Category: General

Below you will find recent documents relating to proposed legislation affecting the alarm industry (all PDF).

MA Senate Docket #2234 - An Act relative to streamlined low-voltage alarm system installation permitting
MA Senate Docket #2234 - AFAA-NE Response
MA House Bill# 2097 - An Act requiring carbon monoxide alarms in all residential, governmental and commercial structures
MA Senate Bill #2109 - An Act relative to the installation of approved smoke detectors in certain residential buildings and structures.
MA House Bill# 2110 - An Act relative to the installation of approved smoke detectors in certain residential buildings and structures
MA House Bill# 2124 - An Act relative to propane detectors
MA House Bill# 2143 - An Act relative to fire protection systems for buildings and structures
MA House Bill# 2156 - An Act requiring carbon monoxide alarms in schools
MA House Bill# 3475 - An Act relative to fire protection systems for buildings and structures
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