Membership Meetings
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- Written by AFAA-NE Board of Directors
- Category: Membership Meetings
Argue with the AHJ
Featuring Chris Towski, Lieutenant for the City of Cambridge, MA Fire Department
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
DoubleTree Westborough in Westborough, MA
Social Hour 5:00-6:00PM
Dinner & Meeting 6:00-9:00PM
$50 for buffet dinner and meeting
Highlights include
- Online Permitting in Cambridge
- Safeguarding, Best Practices During Construction
- Answer your questions regarding why the Code and Code Enforcement can differ
Pre-registration is now closed. Please Register at the Event.
- Hits: 2369
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- Written by AFAA-NE Board of Directors
- Category: Membership Meetings
2018 Massachusetts Fire Prevention Regulations Review
Featuring Jake Nunnemacher of the MA State Fire Marshal's Office
Tuesday, April 3, 2018
DoubleTree Westborough in Westborough, MA
Social Hour 5:00-6:00PM
Dinner & Meeting 6:00-9:00PM
$50 for buffet dinner and meeting
Highlights include
- What's changed?
- Inclusion of NFPA-1 2015 with the MA Amendments
- Differences between the earlier version of 527 CMR (which was based on the NFPA 2012 code) and today's regulation
- How these changes will impact your business
He is a member of the New England SFPE and is a faculty member in the Fire Science Department at Quinsigamond Community College in Worcester, MA. Jake is also a member of the Su-on, MA Fire Department and a former member of the Auburn FD while a student at WPI.
We are expecting a full house for this exciting and informative meeting so please Register Early.
Register Online Registration Form
- Hits: 2429
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- Written by AFAA-NE Board of Directors
- Category: Membership Meetings
April 28th - Join us for "RF Communications for Fire Alarm Reporting"
POTS lines are rapidly going the way of the dinosaurs. Radio and cellular technologies have gained major acceptance in our industry for some time.
Come and listen to 4 of the New England area's finest talk about their technology and how their individual products and methods can help you better understand this advancement in Alarm Reporting.
After our Moderator gives us a basic understanding of wireless reporting, each member of the dais will have an opportunity to differentiate themselves and give you the best application advice for their particular product.
At the end there will be a 45 minute Question & Answer panel discussion where you can have your questions and concerns answered.
- Tony DiFranco of RB Allen, Introduction & Moderator
- Jeff Parent, Municipal & Industrial Alarm Reporting for RB Allen
Will present the Digitize 1221 Radio Line - Steve Sargent, VP of Sales and Engineering for Keltron Corporation
Will present the Keltron line - Paul Hoey, Eastern Regional Sales Manager for NAPCO Security
Will present Cellular products - Mario Bulhoes, VP & General Manager for King-Fisher Company
Will present the King-Fisher line - James Lynch, Northeast Regional Sales Manager for AES Corporation
Will present the AES Mesh Network
Register now!
Date: April 28, 2016
Location: Double Tree Westborough, 5400 Computer Drive, Westborough, MA, 01581. TEL: 1-508-366-5511
Agenda: Dinner and meeting start at 6PM, Speakers 7-8:15PM, Q&A 8:15-9PM
Register online, or download the signup form below
- Hits: 3294
- Details
- Written by Chris Agri
- Category: Membership Meetings
It's that time again - Join us for the 2016 NFPA 72 Update meeting
Mr. Dick Roux will be presenting the changes in the 2016 edition of NFPA 72. Some of the changes to be discussed include:
- Chapter 7: Documentation
- Chapter 10: Fundamentals
- Chapter 12: Circuits and Pathways
- Chapter 17: Initiating Devices
- Chapter 18: Notification Appliances
- Chapter 21: Emergency Control Function Interfaces
- Chapter 23: Protected Promises Fire Alarm Systems
- Chapter 24: Emergency Communication Systems
- Chapter 26: Supervising Station Alarm Systems
- Chapter 29: Single and Multiple Station Alarms and Household Fire Alarm Systems.
The more you know...
John Houlihan will present an overview of Senate Docket #2234 regarding Permitting in the Commonwealth and other alarm related Bills that are in various levels of the legislature.
Several board positions are up for re-election. If you or someone you know wishes to be on the Board, nominations will be accepted on the floor. All of the incumbent Directors have indicated their desire to remain on the Board.
Register now!
Date: November 18th, 2015
Location: Four Points Sheraton, 1125 Boston Providence Turnpike, Norwood, MA 02063
Agenda: Dinner and meeting at 6PM, on your way home by 9PM
The online registration page isn't quite ready, so you can either download the signup form below, or wait a few days and signup online.
- Hits: 3781